

It can be performed through lipoinjection, advanced bone surgery or implant of semisolid silicone right above the chin bone incising inside the buccal cavity. The objective is to improve the the menton (chin) projection and to make a more harmonious profile. Generally performed together with rhinoplasty.


1 hour on average.


local with sedation.

Hospital admission:

Discharge usually on the same day.

Side effects:

temporary pain and swelling. Trouble speaking and swallowing. Bruises and itch.


infection, hematoma. Implant displacement or extrusion through the skin or the incision. Bone erosion after some years, due to contact with the implant.


return to work in 1 to 2 weeks.

Swallowing and speaking:

normal in 1 week.

Physical activities (sports) or with risk of local trauma:

3 weeks.

Sun exposure:

3 weeks.


permanent, immediate, defined after 3 weeks, when the swelling disappears in the cases of bone surgery or silicone implant. When lipoinjection is performed, more than 1 session may be necessary.