it removes scars with unaesthetic aspect using the necessary techniques to reposition the scar and deep tissue, resulting in another less apparent scar with better aesthetic aspect.
1 hour or more, depending on the size and place of the scars.
local, local with sedation, general in some cases.
Hospital admission:
discharge usually on the same day.
Side effects:
temporary discomfort and swelling. Bruises and itch. Redness of scar for 3 to 6 months.
inadequate or abnormal scarring. Alterations on skin pigmentation. Suture dehiscence (opening). Infection, hematoma.
return to work in a few days.
Physical activities which may stretch the scars:
6 to 8 weeks.
Scar redness vanishing:
3 to 6 months.
Scar Sun exposure:
6 months.
permanent after 1 year on average, 2 years in some cases.